The growth of Checkup Laboratory has been beautiful to watch and truly inspiring for those who have been opportune to be part of it. Conceived by Benjamin Ibhenbisa, a then undergraduate whose uncle could have lived if he had been diagnosed early of colon cancer and wasn't blindly treating what he assumed was Ulcer; Checkup Laboratory is the solution to some of the medical problems of everyday Nigerians. Having identified that millions of Nigerians would rather boycott the expense of running medical tests and simply self-medicate than to visit standard health facilities to find out what exactly is wrong with their health. A great number who can afford medical tests are also either too preoccupied with work and business to undergo regular checkups or do not trust the capacity of hospitals close to them.
What we are about:
All these inherent issues and more sponsored the decision to set up a platform such as Checkup Laboratory where affordable Medical Tests meets accessible and efficient service delivery at the client's convenience. The fact that people who require our medical services can get it at the speed of light, right in their homes or offices with utmost confidentiality and not necessarily paying through their noses are what make us different from other medical tests laboratories in Nigeria.
How we started:
Like all enduring businesses around the world meeting pressing human needs, Checkup Laboratory did not just sprout overnight. It took the passionate goal-oriented attitude of Benjamin Ibhenbisa and the concerted efforts of dedicated hands to bring this grand dream to reality and also sustain it. With a Bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Science from the prestigious University of Benin, Nigeria, Benjamin Ibhenbisa set the foundation upon which the Checkup Laboratory platform was built. He had since gone on to develop himself through industry specific trainings, incubation programmes and notable business advancement seminars and hands-on experience from medical practice. The NYSC graduate Entrepreneurship Programme was his first stride towards actualizing his personal goals with regards to Checkup Laboratory. His success at the programme afforded him a 70% discount from the Bank of Industry (BOI) to purchase the needed facilities for checkup.com.ng. Operations began fully almost a year later.
Most great men achieved greatness by being lifted upon the shoulders of others. The Providus Bank SME challenge was another willing shoulder upon which Checkup Laboratory stood gallantly. Coming out as top 15 in the competition have Ibhenbisa the leverage to be attend the Enterprise Development Center of Pan African University. It was there he learnt the robes and rudiments of running a thriving business, growing finances and took relevant legal courses. He moved on to Faith Foundation's Aspiring Entrepreneurs Programme and completed in 2021.
Where we are now:
From this intense trainings and groundbreaking activities, Ibhenbisa was set for a digitally-inclined medical services. We have improved tremendously since beginning operations in 2029 with regards to testing capacity, impeccable customer care service, rebranding and holistic facelift of Checkup Laboratory. We have an arsenal of automated equipment that increases speed at which test results are made available, partnership and outsourcing relationship with top hospitals around Nigeria. Prominent
amongst our partners and where we have been able to spread our tentacles include:
- GeroCare Solutions Limited
- Helium Health
- Clinix HealthCare
Some of our Technical and Financial Partners are:
- Faith Foundation
- EDC (Pan African University)
- Bank of Industry
- Providus Bank
- Crown Healthcare Limited
Checkup Laboratory has come to stay and with our state-of-the-art technology, trained professionals, wide connection and affiliation with notable medical service providers in Nigeria; we have worked our way into the hearts of many. Apart from our acclaimed commitment to serving you, the positive reviews we have gathered from satisfied clients within the short period of our operations pushes us daily to give the best service offerings and outdo ourselves daily. Our mantra is that Medical checkup and tests should be for everyone no matter the sizes of their pockets. We have made it so affordable and easy to access that at the tap of buttons on our websites, you can be fixing an appointment with the doctors who are also available to come to your home or office to take samples, run the test and send the results to your doctor. Fast, easy and cheap.